
June 8: In Stow at Judy’s for my rehab.

June 7: Another restless night of sleep, which I’ve discussed at length, so I won’t belabor that issue today. But the really good thing about this morning was my getting up to what seems to be a much reduced level of chest pain. I was really amazed actually at the level of reduction within just one day. I mean it was as if I’d just fast forwarded a week or two in just one day. The morning before I was hurting like hell in the morning, and then this morning I’m feeling pain, but the intensity of the pain has gone down significantly. I’ll call that a really great step forward if I’m feeling this way tomorrow morning and onward.

Next up was my walk, which today was about 1:10 hrs at a mellow pace. And by gosh this walk felt like about the best walk I’ve done thus far. Not because I was faster, because I’ve got some severe stipulations on where I can take my intensity level. No, it was because it just felt easier than the last three weeks of walks. Today is the three week mark from my surgery, and though I’ve been progressing really well with my mobility and walking since then, it still tires me out at the end. Well today I just felt like I had a bit more gas, and at the end I wasn’t as beat as I’ve been in the previous three weeks of walks. I’m hoping this moves in tandem with the pain level thing I’ve described as being better in the morning, and not turn out to be some fluke where tomorrow I wake up and my chest pain is bad again, and then I feel too tired again after the walk. Only tomorrow and the next day will tell!

Had to take pop to the doc today, with Judy doing the chauffeur thing again as she did yesterday - me in the back seat and pop up front riding shotgun. And yes, pop did got the rant going again about Judy driving the car and not being insured, but we only had to drive him 3 blocks from home, so it was in one ear and out the other today. After that I stayed with pop for about 6 hours at the house while Kim worked and then went to an evening meeting. That worked out ok in that it was not energy nor stress intensive. 

Finished the day with Kim dropping me off back at Judy’s that evening where we were visited by Terry and Wally. I’ve been telling people it’s just great to have visitors, so it was super to see these 

guys. They brought us some chocolate-covered strawberry’s and some great steel cut oats to help us with our trend towards “healthy” eating choices. Now believe me everybody, you’re NOT bothering me when you call or stop by. I’m WAY better than the first few days out of the hospital where I was napping nearly half the day away. Now, as I’m getting better by the day, being in the house, Judy’s or mine, almost all day long is like being in prison after a while. So having friends and family to visit with, it’s just so refreshing. I try so hard not to just veg out and watch TV all day long by working on the computer at my business and working on my books. But that only goes so far and then I’m just mentally smoked. So that social aspect to me is really nice, and the visit with Wally and Terry was such a treat. Hope to see more of you as the weeks wear on!