
June 26: Did 1:45 hr hike early in the morning with Pepper before the temp had gone through the roof. Felt pretty good yet again. 

Then we had an afternoon/evening of friends stopping over. First Holly and Larry dropped by for a bit in the late afternoon, and then later in the early evening Keith and Susan came by. Now I have to admit that I’d gotten some good beer to repay Keith for putting a battery in Judy’s jeep that evening - this because I’m still the putz who cannot lift more than typing paper and Kleenex! It was WAY more than I’m supposed to do right now what with lifting a 40-pound car battery up to chest level and then maneuvering it into this little space inside the engine compartment. 

So Keith got that done for us and then he and I drank 4, yea four beers. This is my all time high since I last rode my American Dirt gig back in May. You know, I’ve had a beer or two since my surgery, but this 4-beer eve, this was new. What’s more we had these stouts which were just amazingly great. Ooooopa, were they good! Have to say though that four was about one too many for me. I’m sure my tolerance is down, so mix in some higher percentage alcohol beer and BAM! Yup, that was my Beer-30 for quite a while.

Not much else to say today other than it was great to see friends.